Coon at Dusk DJ Sterf Animals
Common Raccoon  (Procyon Lotor)

 KingdomAnimalia  (Animals)
 PhylumChordata  (Animals with a Spinal Cord)
 ClassMammalia  (Mammals)
 OrderCarnivora  (Carnivores)
 FamilyProcyonidae  (Raccoon Family)
 GenusProcyon  (Raccoon)
 SpeciesProcyon Lotor  (Common Raccoon)

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     Raccoons are extremely sneaky and clever critters, about 6 times the size of squirrels.  Whether trash bags, bananas, or meat, if you leave an opportunity open for a raccoon to get at it, he WILL get at it.  Normally, birds and squirrels, if afraid, will flee for their lives.  Raccoons hide under a shelter and look back to see if there is a real threat.  If there isn't, the raccoon will slowly crawl out from the shelter and walk slowly toward the 'threat'.  If nothing is wrong, the coon will calmly go back to what he was doing...which is probably either eating or sleeping.  They are nocturnal animals (only come out at night), and rarely come out during the daylight hours without urgent need.

     Raccoons were originally considered Bears until debate ensued about their unique features, such as how they wash food.  The original name given to raccoons was 'Ursa Lotor', meaning 'Washing Bear' (Latin words 'lotor' = washing, 'ursa' = bear).  Today, the Raccoon is classified somewhat differently...and in their own genus (Procyon, which means 'before the dog' in Latin).
Caught Ya!

Tasty Meat Soup!      Raccoons have an average of one litter per year, usually born in early to mid-June.  A mother raccoon living in our backyard just had 3 babies.  Their tails are much larger in proportion to their bodies than the adults'.  A medium-sized raccoon is about 3 feet long, with a tail of about 10 inches long.  He would weigh about 15 pounds and live to about 2.5 years old in the wild and up to 7 years if an anomaly.  The skin underneath a raccoon's fur is pigmented, and the fur is colored according to the skin color of the raccoon.  Raccoons are sometimes called 'bandits' for their masked appearance.  The only thing is, though, that raccoons ARE bandits if you leave something out for them to see!

     These animals are extremely cute, but they will eat you out of house and home if you take full care of them!  They are full scavengers and omnivores...not just carnivores.  They will eat just about anything you put out for them, and they especially love bananas, corn outside of the general meat category.  More of the raccoon's diet consists of fruits, plants, and nuts (rather than meats).

     Watch out for Raccoons, though.  They are very defensive of their area and property, as well as things that they see and want.  They're basically spoiled critters.  Rabies and distemper are two huge diseases that raccoons can harm other animals and humans with through bites, and raccoons also can leave worms around where they have been.  Raccoons typically carry rabies longer than most animals, but they usually die within about 10 days of their infection.  If a raccoon is out during the day, watch out.  Keep distance and contact animal control if necessary.  It's better to be safe than extremely sorry and need immediate shots from the Emergency Room!

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Raccoon Feeding off Scraps