
Christian Chats  -  Message Boards  -  Find a Local Church in Your Area  -  Online Youth Group

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Christian Chats

The Master is Jesus - http://forums.delphiforums.com/jitm/chat - For all ages, and moderated but does require an account at Delphiforums.  Also see Message Boards section.

Christian Chat - http://www.cchat.net - No account needed.  Java-enabled browser required.

Teenz4theLord Chat - http://www.teenz4theLord.com/chat - Requires an account, mainly geared toward the teenage audience.  This chat is filtered.

Message Boards

The Master is Jesus - http://forums.delphiforums.com/jitm/messages - For all ages, and moderated but does require an account at Delphiforums.  Also see Christian Chats section.

Teenz4theLord ComBoard - http://www.teenz4theLord.com/bbs - Filtered message board, requires a Teenz4theLord.com account.

Find a Local Church in Your Area!

Church Angel - http://www.churchangel.com -
Listings with phone numbers and addresses of churches in the United States and Canada.

Online Youth Group

"Inside Out" Online Youth Group - http://www.teenz4theLord.com - Find out meeting times and such on that site.