
Read or Search the Bible Bible Studies Evangelistic Sites


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- Links -

Read the Bible online in over 50 languages and in over 15 English translations.
Bibles For America
Get a free 'Recovery Version' of the New Testament delivered to your front doorstep.
Bible Gateway
A very easy-to-access online Bible site with study tools and commentaries.
Blue Letter Bible
Includes the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin (Vulgate) versions of the Bible as well as some English translations with in-line study helps.
Septuagint Online
The Old Testament put together in Greek by 72 Jewish Scribes in a project by Ptolemy Philadelphus around the 3rd Century B.C.
Learn Biblical Languages:
Hebrew (OT)
Aramaic (some OT, Targums)
Greek (NT)

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Bible Studies & Devotionals

Glory to God Bible Study
The 'in-house' Bible Study featuring Bible Studies by Sterling Franklin. Devotionals
A list of a ton of devotional sites on the web.
Teenz4theLord.Com Devotionals
A selection of devotionals written by teens, for teens.

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Evangelistic Sites

The Romans Road
Using verses from the book of Romans in evangelism...

Requires a version of Macromedia Flash, a very media-oriented site presenting the Gospel.
Evangelism Explosion
'Do you know for Sure?'
Available in many different languages.  One method of evangelism by D. James Kennedy.

Campus Crusade International
The Four Spiritual Laws
Available in many different languages, originally produced by Bill Bright.

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