Sterling 2003 Remix

Everyday Life
This page is the best ever...or not.

School  -  Bible Reading  -  Sports  -  Waking Up (Journal)

Sterling turns 20!
My dad got me a nifty digital camera that takes fairly small pictures and serves as a webcam.  Uh oh!  You'll probably see more pictures like the one at the top of the page in the coming months.

So I'm not a teenager anymore, but I'm not a full "legal" adult (21).  My license still says 'Under 21', and some ...other rights aren't available to me yet.  For my birthday, my parents mainly got me stuff I was nearly out of, like shampoo, and cheap imitation items, like HARRIS TEETER brand 'gellin' insoles.  My mom did get me a Franklin Graham book, and that's cool, but I have to read it, and that stinks.  I still hate reading with all my heart and soul and mind and strength!  That's probably one reason I hate Communications so's almost all reading.  Before I turned 20, I wanted to have a full album out, so I got it completely completely at 10:30 pm on March 31.  It was available for order starting on March 26 or so.  More info below.  I'm glad to be "one year older", although it's not really "one year", but one day from the day before.  I usually think of myself as 19.***, like the day before my b'day, I was 19.997 and gaining.  The best birthday will be the birthday when I'm OUT OF SCHOOL.  That day can't come soon enough!

<  March, 2003  -  All  -  May, 2003  >

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School  -  Bible Reading  -  Sports  -  Waking Up (Journal)

Project GPA
Goal: To go from a 3.4 to a 4.0 (semester GPA) by the end of this semester.
GPA this semester as of now: 4.13

This whole album biz is burning me out!  I had a 4.0 at the end of March, but it's fallen and hopefully can get up.  I've added a 'grade column' where I can put my current grades and averages!  I'm taking Basketball credit only and in COM 250, he just goes by letter grades.

Class Schedule:


HEB 102
09:10-10:00 AM
Basically a crash course in OT Hebrew verbs of all types!


REL 312
10:15-11:05 AM
Intro to New Testament, a little more liberal than I'd like...


PE 261
01:30-02:20 PM
Basketball, where we "learn" to dribble and then play games



COM 202
09:50-11:05 AM
Small Group Communication, enough said...



CSC 216
02:35-03:50 PM
Java 2, which rarely goes beyond 3:20 PM!



COM 250
04:05-05:20 PM
Communication Media in History, with lots of videos.

Bible Reading

April showers bring more Bible reading time if the April showers cancel class!

April 1 - April 30


7 is in here somewhere...

Gee, I didn't update this part enough this month!

Maybe next month...

Marketing the CD takes time, but still gotta keep my priorities somewhat straight!  The only problem is that I have no motivation right now to market it!

Working on the Java program doesn't help, either.

This month, the least I read in a day was 3 chapters, and the average was probably somewhere between 4 and 5.


Points Per Game, Basketball Class

Average: 25.3 ppg
Latest game: We lost the last game in the season by 4....

Update:  The match-up of Franklin vs. Johnson, part II:
51-0 (Franklin), 52-3 (Franklin), and 51-2 (Franklin).
Overall Score: 154-5 (Franklin)

Waking Up (Journal)

Links Referred to in recent Journals:   Laodicea (DJ Sterf mp3) -   'Maundy' Thursday  -  Cuffey Family Pictures

(04.26.03)  "My People are destroyed for lack of knowledge..."  Yahoo Chat says it all.  You have people in there saying "you should not judge, because heaven is heaven".  WHAT???  I guess we shouldn't judge, then, since pasta is pasta.  Anyway, we are supposed to judge spiritually and righteously, as well as be discerning.  God doesn't want His people ignorant of a tyrannical preacher or false teachings.

School has been absolutely insane.  I can only do 5 minutes of work at a time now and then have to take a break.  It's kinda sad since I have to read a few hundred textbook pages before exam time!  I can't wait to get out of Communications!

I went back to Apex High to see Reynolds and company run in the track meet.  I knew about half the people there, but the other some were pretty weirded out, too!

Yup.  I'm about out of things to say for now, and my brain is fried from this week.  I have a long weekend ahead of me, and I had a 9 am til 10:30 pm day yesterday, and then I stayed up til 3 am watching the Lakers / Timberwolves game.  By the way, that game was rigged just as it was last year with the Lakers / Kings.  Where is a foul when a player doesn't TOUCH the other player?  Apparently the refs can call a nonexistent foul (and numerous ones, at that) on a non-Lakers team.  Garbage.  I like Justice.

(04.19.03)  My sister Sunshine 'randomly' visited me Thursday night until Friday afternoon for a late birthday celebration.  She had a friend's mother die the week of my birthday, so she couldn't make that, but she came this weekend to commemorate.  We went to O'Charley's with Steven, and Mac & Bruiser (her dogs) roughed the house up.  The next day, we went to Wal-Mart so I could pick out a gift of my choice.  I got this 'Deluxe Gym', which really is just a neato bungee cord.  I have fun going out really far from the wall and jumping and being brought back to the wall.  It's the heat.

Last night, Glen and Steven and I wanted to go bowling, but we were playing with that Deluxe Gym until about 9:30 pm.  We then went to Buffaloe Lanes, and they had a 40-minute wait, even though half their lanes were not taken.  What's up with that?!  We then went to AMF lanes and they were packed.  Their midnight bowling starts at 10 pm.  Go figure...Midnight bowling at 10 pm.

Reynolds and I got together today and bowled, and I got competitive.  This kid a lane over was watching me bowl, and I was either getting a strike or a split.  I haven't bowled in forever, so I was pretty inconsistent until the end, when I got really competitive.  I saw a lady 3 lanes over who got a 154.  I can't let her beat me!  So I finished the game with a string of doubles (2 strikes in a row), a bunch of spares, then a strike to finish with a 159.  Hehe, I beat Reynolds cuz of that, too.

I'm trying to read Acts for New Testament class, but it's not happening yet.  I read some of the Crucifixion narratives yesterday, and plan to read the Resurrection narratives in the Gospels tomorrow.  All of those books rock, though.  God's Word is cool.

Anyway, that catches me up til about now...God bless, and have a great Resurrection Day!

(04.18.03)  Good Friday.  The day Jesus was Crucified for the Sins of the World.  I'm certainly glad He did just that.  Otherwise, I'd be "of men most miserable" without the work on the Cross.  Without Blood, there is no remission for sin in the Sacrifice.  The life of the flesh is in the Blood.  Jesus shed His Blood that through His Dying, you might have Life Everlasting through Him.  He resurrects on the Third Day, by the way!

I read this on a pretty rough website that totally discounts the Bible: "But isn't there some good stuff in the bible? Well yes there is, although surprisingly little for such a big book. Indeed, if the bad, boring, and useless passages were removed from the bible and only the good retained, the bible would be nothing more than a small pamphlet."

The question would be: what does the webmaster define as 'good'?  Anything that is tolerant.  What it all boils down to is Jesus Christ, the 'Man of the Day' for Good Friday (and all other days, as well).  He said that He was the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.  What more?  NO MAN comes to the Father BUT BY HIM (see John 14:6)!  I recommend listening to the end message of Laodicea, where I mention the fate of the world's definition of tolerance.

Tolerance with Jesus is that ANYONE, no matter who you are or what you do, what you've done or where you live, yes, ANYONE, can receive Jesus Christ as the Master of their lives.  It's the best decision you can make.  Tolerance as in 'everyone is ok as they are' discounts the fact that we all begin life as unlearned.  Anyway, have a Great Good Friday through Resurrection Day ("Easter").

P.S.  Give the "Easter Bunny" a note that I'm hungry.  If he's really alive, I'm having rabbit stew!  Mmmm MMMM!

(04.17.03)  Whelp, Steven and I went to get the estimate.  One guy was trying to give an honest estimate and came up with about $1600.  The other guy we tried obviously wanted to cheat us and came up with about $3200.  Steven's wheel had a few tire marks on it (rubber) from my tire, and the guy asked if he should throw in the cost of an extra wheel.  Oh, brother.  My minivan fared pretty well, and we washed off the scuff marks.  Very little of it was bent or whatnot.  The reason Steven's car (the 3000 GT) costs so much is the paint color.  It's a silver pearl type color, so um...yeah.  Another complication arose.  My tire was flat after the crash, and we found a 3" nail in it.  Apparently it may have been flat when I was backing up and could have contributed to the direction I was backing up.  I missed Glen's car.  If I hit his, though, it'd automatically be totaled!

Today is Maundy Thursday.  Here is a Bible study I did last year on Maundy Thursday:

'Maundy' Thursday

(04.16.03)  Today stank.  I topped it off by sideswiping Steven's car.  Great...  It'll cost prob. $1500 or so, so I guess I can drop out of NC State now!  :-D  That'd be great.

Some reasons why I want to move away from Cary:
- Too lukewarm
- Too many rednecks
- Too many yuppies & preppies
- Too much wannabe aggressive driving
- I'm living with my parents
- I've never had a girlfriend
- People here don't take me seriously in spiritual matters
- I hate NC State

(04.05.03)  Ug...I'm in one of those ruts where life doesn't seem very exciting.  I guess I'm as close to burned out as I've been all year.  I'm not quite there, I don't think, but I've been working nonstop these last 3 or 4 weeks on everything, so I need a break.  God didn't create a day of rest once in every 28 days.  The only problem is that I have a test in New TESTament (hehe) and have a double-essay due in COM 250.  I need an A+ on both.  Maybe this 'Cumulative 4.0' goal isn't such a great idea.  If I shot for a 3.0, I'd have the time of my life bombing tests and everything!  That'd be a change!  I'm still kinda chuckling about the Java midterm.  I had no clue what the material MEANT, but I just memorized it before the exam and got a 100 on it.  The last 2 programs, I got 105s on, and that's mainly because I saw the TAs a ton.  In COM 250, I need to pull my average up, but the professor didn't give a very...friendly exam, I guess.  He still hasn't graded my first exam...go figure.

I got a call from a lady in charge of a lot of stuff at VBS (Vacation Bible School) today, wondering if my dad & I would teach again this year.  If you know me well enough, you'd know what the conflict in this situation is.  It's April now, and the VBS is in July.  Ug...I'd love to do it, and maybe this is a good opportunity for service (ministry).  I still don't want to just tailor stuff to 1st and 2nd graders.  I have enjoyed doing online stuff for teens and all-age chat rooms, but that's cheap compared to real life.  It's just not the same.

My summer hours are looking like this so far:

Summer 1:
REL 300
09:50-11:20 AM
Religious Traditions of the World.  Should be interesting...
PSY 200
11:40-1:20 PM
Fun in Psychology with an undeclared teacher!  Should be easy.

Total Credit Hours: 6 

Summer 2:
COM 301
09:50-11:20 AM
Advanced Presentational Speaking.  That's fun for me, actually.

PE 243
12:00-1:00 PM
BOWLING for Credit Only!  Steven should be in that class, too!

Total Credit Hours: 4
Fall, 2003:


REL 201
09:10-10:00 AM
Hebrew 3, again too early in the morning for me.


CSC 226
10:15-11:05 AM
Chad says Bitzer is a great teacher for Discrete Math/Logic...


REL 311
12:25-01:15 PM
Intro to Old Testament.  Will try for an A+.


REL 402
01:30-02:20 PM
Adler said I should really take this course, so I guess I will...



COM 322
11:20-12:25 PM
I'm glad they're finally offering this in a different time from W, 6-9.



CSC 236
01:05-02:20 PM
Assembler.  This class will take a ton of work, which may stink.



COM 332
02:35-03:50 PM
A little late in the day, and I probably will drop this course.

Total Credit Hours: 21
...but I'm planning on dropping to 18.

(My goals for grades in the courses are in the columns on the right)

I'm thinking of either dropping COM 332 or REL 311.  It's probably going to be COM 332.  It would benefit me to know the Old Testament as much as I possibly can, and we're not going too deep into the OT in Hebrew, for sure.  I could wait, however, for Old Testament, because it's offered each semester.  COM 332 will probably lose out, though, because 202 isn't going very well and it's the same teacher, as well as the fact that it goes until 3:50 pm, which is fairly late for a 9 am start.  I've gone 9 til 5:20 this semester, and that doesn't count the commute.  It'd be 8:30 til 6 or 6:30 if you counted that!  That's too tough on me to just go home and study from there.  I'm already worn out from all the other stuff in those 10 hours or so.

After this summer, I should be a Senior (yes, in my 3rd year of college).  I will be a Senior for 2 years if I double major & minor as I'm planning right now.  I really don't want to add on another 3 years for Seminary, but if the Lord wants me to go to Seminary, I'll definitely go, but I'll test out of a whole bunch!!!

Have a good one, and God bless.

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