To Request a Resume or a Preaching Engagement, |
click here and fill out the form on the homepage. |
Visit Cross Allegiance, a YouTube channel dedicated to Creative Gospel presentations from a variety of individuals. My Old Evangelism Survey at NC State Bible Bee 2005, Salvation Army
Essays & Articles Sterling's Baptism Testimony [very basic] (.swf) (.pdf) Weakminded Theologian's Comparison
VBS: The Wacky Year (36 in the class)
VBS: Teaching Year 5 Day 1 - Elijah vs. the prophets of Baal Day 3 - Nicodemus & John's Responses to Jesus
Videos Good Person (What answer would you give to God?) Chapel Sermon (Partial clip) Merry Christmas 2007 (Broken Camcorder)
Dancing Preacher Videos & Materials
Upcoming The rest of the Minor Prophets Series "Powerful Prayer" Series |
General Messages Romans 8:1-11 - Spirit and Flesh: Spirit or Flesh? (.swf) (audio - .wma) Luke 5:1-11 - Drop Everything (audio) Malachi 2:1-9 - An Offal Way of Service (.swf) (.pdf) (audio) OT Prophecies & Matthew 2 - Prophetic Gifts (.swf) (.pdf) (.ppt) Luke 4 & 1 John 2 - Tempted in the Wilderness Luke 1:5-25, 57-80 - Give Him the Name John... (.swf) (.pdf) Matthew 20:20-28 - Not So with You (.swf) (.pdf)
Cafe Messages Matthew 2:11 - The Three Gifts of the Wise Men (.swf) (.pdf) Luke 12:1-4 - Running the Race (.swf) (.pdf) Luke 12:5-11 - Enduring Divine Chastisement (.swf) (.pdf) 2 Chronicles 5 (focus: vv. 11-14) - In Unified Praise and Thanksgiving (.swf) (.pdf) Psalm 23 & John 10 - Our Shepherd, the Good Shepherd (.swf) (.pdf) Psalm 29 - The LORD, the King of Creation and Natural Wonders (.swf) (.pdf) Psalm 93 - The Majestic, Holy, and Eternal LORD (.swf) (.pdf)
Inside Out Youth Group (Teenz4theLord) "A Pure Heart to Serve the Lord" (.swf) (.pdf) All Charges Dismissed (.swf) (.pdf) Seven Steps: How to be in Closer Relationship with the Lord
Jesus is Waiting Chat Hebrews - "Above, Yet Made a Form Below" (.swf) (.pdf)
Other (Topica Listserv, etc.) Believers' Prayer for Boldness (.swf) (.pdf) A Few Thoughts on Swearing (.swf) (.pdf) Fun-tastic Facts about the Bible Grice's Quality Maxim One Example of Paul Practicing What he Preached |
Various Sermons and Messages preached by Sterling C. Franklin |
For Full Curricula, request a pdf via email (djsterf at gmail dot com)— Minor Prophets (Full Sunday school curriculum) Closing the GAP to Optimal Ministry (Brief Spiritual Gifts survey for teams) Explore Christianity: Q&A (Scriptural, Apologetics, and Historical discussion)
"Sent" Series Isaiah 6:1-13: Here Am I (.swf) (.pdf) (audio) Matthew 28:16-20: Make Disciples (.swf) (.pdf) (audio) Acts 13:1-5: Send Others
Habakkuk Series Habakkuk 1:1-2:1 - How Long, O LORD? (.swf) (.pdf) Habakkuk 2:2-20 - How Just, O LORD. Habakkuk 3:1-19 - How Powerful, O LORD!
Minor Prophets Series Week 1: Minor Prophets Introduction (.swf) (.pdf) & Jonah (.swf) (.pdf) (audio) Week 2: Joel (.swf) (.pdf) & Obadiah (.swf) (.pdf) (For the rest, see Full Curricula at the top of the page)
Sterling C. Franklin is an M.Div. graduate from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and an ordained minister with the ECA (Evangelical Church Alliance). |